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Writer's pictureThe Auroville Files


To All

For the sake of truth I wish to clarify that for the past two years Vikram Ram has been widely circulating his allegations; some residents support him from behind the scenes, others look at him as the devil, most just go on with their petty lives pretending that nothing happened. It was only on July 17, 2019, that Vikram Ram, about whom I knew nothing, forwarded me two files, 350 pages (but not the remnant 150 on drugs and drug peddlers), pleading with me that the community looks into the matter and does the needed, same refrain in all his mails. I took action immediately and communicated the existence of such files in the Auronet, forwarding them to many people, also on request, as in Mita’s case.

The outcome is that I was looked upon badly. It took a long time to make people understand that, in my long and detailed explanations to Vikram Ram in the light of the Integral Yoga (the shadow and the occult forces in particular) everything made sense – and that healing, clearing can effectively come only out of such depths. Vikram Ram listened, started writing in the same terms, there was hope; but as apart from single exceptions, at the community level nothing changed, it ended the way we know. We can only thank our irresponsible behavior for the outcome, which I expected; I felt bluffing every time I wrote to him, pleading to give us time… Nor do I held responsible for the pending CBI investigation Vikram Ram, or the Inquiry Committee and the Governing Board (aren’t we ashamed? We do the dirt, and accuse THEM!), but the community itself, by then largely informed yet refusing to take action. NO SCAPEGOATS! Let’s unravel the mess we have ourselves created and plead guilty.

I believe we still can prevent in extremis the CBI investigation if we can honestly come forward; but this demands the clearing, and true amending, of all misdoings, one by one, in front of the entire community – as we used to proceed until 1991 when the first WC took over, followed by other power groups, by all their secrecy allowing, consciously or not, the power games and corruption that have precipitated the present downfall. Truth wins all hearts; dishonesty dooms.

As for Govind and Satyanarayan: “ACT – NOT WORDS”, as in Mother’s New Year message that for me is an adesha. Being in charge of the sub task force studying the matter I went through all their reports and correspondence; it is outrageous that in spite of their recommendations, also endorsed by Toine (the only active member of the Oversight Committee), SAIIER and Bharat Nivas have hastily closed the issue without reimbursing any money – while one member conveniently sits in the Oversight Committee that should be disbanded tout court. Sorry to write in such explicit terms, but with the CBI behind the corner our sole hope is that we stop mincing words and finally clear the stable.

I will post in the Auronet and forward to the GB the two pages introduction I wrote on Govind and Sahtyanarayan files and attach the complete documentation. I do expect that both, the community and the GB, take action, so that Srinivasamurti’s comment, when I lastly met Shri Madan Gopal with him, turns into a joke: “We should tell the GOI not to send us grants because we are not capable to manage”; on his side, a FAMC member admitted, at the meeting with the GB re the government’s grants, that they are not equipped to deal with them.

The sub task force on Govind started at first on a humanitarian basis: this was our unanimous response, shocked as we were, when he introduced himself at a Revival Task Force meeting. Yet, nobly, Govind asked not to present the case hammering on his destitute condition, highlighting instead the mismanagement of funds and materials only, so I wrote the introduction accordingly. But now, in response to the desperate letter he wrote, on Sri Auroindo’s Siddhi Day (descent of the Overmind consciousness and Krishna’s light), everybody must know that Govind’s stand has made of him an Auroville outcaste; they found the nastiest pretexts to keep excluding him from everywhere, he doesn’t even have a physical place where to stay in Auroville, sometimes has nothing to eat... Govind is refused to do work, or if he does he is not paid for, and as soon as he sets things straight he is fired (as with SAIIER, and in spite of his working for free, violating the original agreement). I am appalled, ashamed, disgusted, revolted, everybody must know what we do to our brother Aurovilians: TO THE MOTHER. The last time I saw Govind he told me that he is so dejected that he no longer has the force to put himself together and look for work outside, as he was forced and capable to do until now… He told me more, which I don’t have the courage to write… This is what’s behind my accident, Madanji, when you stopped me on the road, but I had not the courage to tell you the full truth…

Srinivasamurti told me and Shri Madan Gopal that the Foundation received recommendations AGAINST Sathyanarayan himself, the faithful accountant working there for the past 25 years!

We are responsible, by pretending not to know, and/or vilely finding scapegoats (our own enemies, the Foundation, the GB, God himself) for all the evil we have brought upon ourselves. And we are responsible if anything happens to Govind, or to Vikram Ram (he has entered a vicious circle, only Mother’s force and grace can free him), and for all the attacks the GB and Chairman withstand – while there is no one else to blame but ourselves. We should be humbled by the time consuming efforts and price we force all these people to pay while we, the only culprits, refuse to do the one job: CLEARING, collectively, each one picking up his/her responsibility and doing mea culpa.

It is a crime how we allow to treat people, when we all know too well the ferociousness of the system. Not many here have the force to resist, and stand, without breaking down. This way we lose the greatest talents, empowering instead the mediocre and corrupt who destroy Auroville, turned into their own image, cutting our wings. How we have destroyed Sri Aurobindo’s and Mother’s teachings and vision must be screamed aloud, in the wake of a CBI investigation that will mercilessly expose the truth. If we can still save something it will only be by exposing the canker that for decades has hampered Auroville from growing into the ideal society, gateway to the free commune of gnostic supramental beings.

Bande Mataram! At the Masters’ lotus feet


NOTE. Do not make of Govind a scapegoat. His plate is full, he cannot humanly take anything more. I ask each and all to find an immediate solution to the monstrous injustice done to him.

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