Auroville: Aurovilian misbehaves with Senior Citizen
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This video is self explanatory and hence we will refrain from writing an article, rather let the viewer ask themselves the following questions:
a) Is this the way Aurovilians are practicing integral yoga to attain supramental consciousness? Y/N
b) Can any Indian go to Germany and do the same with an old German farmer? Y/N and what would be the consequences?
c) Is this the colonial regime The Mother envisioned? Y/N
d) Is it not humiliating to The Republic of India to give immunity to such foreigners ? Y/N?
e) Continuing immunity on visa strengthens their confidence to continue their colonialism in South India over locals? Y/N
f) Is this the way a Govt of India, Ministry of Education function ? Y/N
This is just one incident. Many such have occured and the Auroville Council, Working Committee and Accused officer in Auroville Foundation have given a blind eye to them for decades.
What should we conclude ?
Like & share since Auroville thinks this is their land and they are above the Constitution of India.
Ironically the name of the community is "Discipline" and the same Aurovilian attacked another Aurovilian in the post given below.