But in the words of Bob Dylan "the times are a changing". India has finally won its freedom from the clutches of those who mock its heritage and wish it harm. Under this new freedom, India's Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Chirstians will be equal before the law and not hide behind "special status"
Can the Government restore the Spiritual Legacy of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother in Auroville and make the Group soul of Auroville blossom without power, politics, greed and corruption ?
This story is underway - time will tell - if Auroville is destined to be like this or Corruption Free Auroville will churn out...
For this a thorough central agency investigation should ensue to eradicate the entire System of Corruption and keep Auroville corrupt free forever through reforms...
We dream a day Auroville is happy, all Aurovilians have Food, Clothing & Shelter & get enough maintenance equally irrespective of nationality and caste to prosper forever... t
The Old system must collapse and True Auroville must be born.
Those who are against this need a change in their consciousness...that is integral yoga...
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