Government Liaison Explained: Auroville
Firstly, why anyone would wish to liaison with the Ministries in Delhi and other States?
Let us explain to you what is 'Auroville liaison' – a beautiful technique of brainwashing government officials by fake talks of The Mother, giving falsified explanations, showing skin ( it is true ) and baksheesh, or a nice trip to Switzerland or Auroville, all-expense paid.
This is how Auroville has been functioning for so long. Otherwise, such gross violations cannot be kept under the radar.
This is because many bureaucrats and autocrats are involved in covering up crimes for decades and not allowing our Ministries and Departments and Investigative Agencies to function freely. If the most important gateway into our Motherland is the Bureau of Immigration, how can we allow any form of ‘liaison’ with the Government?
The request for an official "Liaison Office in Delhi" was placed in the last Governing Board meeting and it was withdrawn,
But there is certainly some 'liaison' continuing through a Frenchman in Delhi and trustees meeting with Ministers and Departments directly.

News & Notes: #862, Page 4, 20th March 2021
"7. Visa issues: Despite efforts by François, the Ministry of Home Affairs has not given permission to four former Aurovilians to return to Auroville (Gilles Pfeiffer, Stuart Leard, Stuart Coles and Ries Korsse). The case of one Aurovilian is also still pending. We have been assured that all other cases have been resolved.
8. OCI Regulations and cases a. New regulations regarding OCI’s have recently been released by the Central Government. These new regulations specify activities for which OCI holders must get prior government approval. b. There are a number of Aurovilians who have pending applications for OCI status. c. We are planning to contact the FRRO in Chennai to try and get clarity on the above points."
Despite having Auroville Foundation to do their work as mandated in the Act, why would Aurovilians specifically a French Aurovilian in Delhi on OCI running a museum in Pune take up this job? We do understand he loves the glory of being the guardian of OCI preaching Hindutva, while failing to respect basics of our Republic. Despite the Governing Board also stating that OCI issues should be placed in front of them, still this is continuing. The Auroville Foundation Office is a puppet with no powers, no spine, and functions as a post office in 1973 and works only for trustees due to close relationship with Srinivas Murthy. The Auroville Foundation helps these trustees cover-up and manipulate accounts and lands. No matter which Secretary comes, the nexus of Srinivas Murthy is followed. If anyone questions or takes action, the Secretary is transferred. A former Secretary is also running an Auroville unit - Mr. Bala Bhaskar, who is known as a strong supporter of the Congress way of functioning, conducts international workshops and seems to be well aware of this parallel economy and has not brought it to the public as a duty bound officer.
This Carte Blanche on visas since the Emergency in 1976 cannot continue and is dangerous to National Security. Many reports have been in the past of Interpol criminals hiding in Auroville for long, the Working Committee refuses to publish names of Aurovilians citing personal information. The Resident Assembly Revival circus had only 200 Aurovilians participating out of 3700 (others were partying), the entry service has no mechanism to check for criminal records it says, FRRO has a problem finding houses, the legal Cell of Auroville works against FRRO, names are changed into Auro*** etc, and it is a mess of administration of visas.
Auroville is the most porous entry visa policy with a parallel economy – you can do the math why so many years all this have gone under the radar.
So many Government bureaucrats who insisted on action have been transferred in the past due to this “Liaison”. Proper Governance is by the bureaucracy of the system, how can you even have liaison with them and not let them follow governance?
The status quo has to change
This is the reason why Aurovilians have so much of ego that they are above law, crush locals and other businesses and ill-treat government officials and think our country is for sale.
Let us now also see the flowchart that we had made in the past describing how this nexus has corded from 1973-2021. The Enquiry Committee Report was to show the world how cover-ups are engineered for 35 years in Auroville.
The Government of India should take over "Direct spiritual and Administrative Responsibility" of Auroville and it is high time to reset the status quo hampering the project due to these trustees.
Flowchart made 2 years ago: We used a very understandable word called Power Corridor because it properly describes them and they are the Old Pioneers & the Trustees who are also destroying Resident Assembly.
