Updated: 20th March 2021
How & why does Auroville Foundation & Working Committee help protect drugs & illegal parties?
This is with regards to the above subject matter, and many such case studies of FIRs & vexatious complaints to hide corruption in Auroville for decades. Is anyone wondering why corruption has never been told to the world? Because the standard operating procedure of the moment someone questions the corrupt practices of the management, they start spreading false rumors, make vexatious complaints & untenable excuses are given to the Government of India and authorities.
At the onset we would also like to state that the documents in the Enquiry Committee Report was at a nascent stage to show the world how cover-ups are engineered in Auroville over decades, following which our investigation has grown leaps and bounds thanks to the goodwill of various Aurovilians. There was no personal attack on any individuals in this report and many of them are people who we haven't even met. We further was not allowed to address the Resident Assembly to explain the real concise meaning of the Enquiry Committee report, being a Friend of Auroville and done many commendable work for Auroville out of sheer goodwill. Like Svedam many communities like African Pavilion, Solitude Farm, Youth Centre, Kalabhoomi & others conduct illegal parties and there is abuse of narcotics. IIT also organizes Sarang festival annually and is under the Department of Higher Education and take all statutory licenses for doing so. The other non Auroville events, forest parties, raves & rituals follow the same since an “eco system” has been created by Auroville units propagating lawlessness.
Let us look at the case study of Svedam & the FIR filed on the organizer by another Aurovilian lady.
The following RTI was sent to the Auroville Foundation before this unfortunate incident:

There has been no response on this, and it is clear that no licenses were taken.
Article on the party and attack: https://www.aurovillefiles.org/post/illegal-parties-drugs-violence-auroville
Post the attack on an Aurovilian lady by the organizer, the Working Committee helped the victim to file an FIR on him. This FIR was a ‘show’ to the world that Working Committee did take cognizance of the matter.
What is very interesting is that they manipulated the original statement of the victim to the police authorities to remove any mention of “influence of drugs”
No blood test was done for traces of THC and relevant sections of the NDPS Act was willfully avoided to ‘rescue’ the Aurovilian party organizer from the FIR. This was also done clandestinely with other favors from the gang of Svedam to thwart criminal action on the Enquiry Committee Report.
The Enquiry Committee report was to expose the corrupt practices of the management propagating lawlessness in the name of Autonomy & Self-governance and not on individuals who are consuming marijuana, ketamine & other narcotics or enjoy good music and dance. Neither is it based on my perception of things or to negate the vexatious FIR filed on me hand in gloves with the Auroville management. The Auroville administration was very well aware of this as mentioned in my prayers, but it is so easy to brainwash residents especially the party gang who have not completed basic education, have criminal cases against them in their countries, need shelter in India & day by day their cognitive ability degenerates further with drugs. They are in a precarious position and need to succumb to the all mighty Working Committee.
The above is just one such case study and we have many others which follow the same modus-operandi of serious, grave nature.
This is how the Resident Assembly is dysfunctional and the above was allegedly executed by Working Committee, Auroville Foundation, Legal Cell ( who are hired to coverup not for sincerity to the project )
After all, We are just one small group against a mammoth nexus which includes The Prince of Dogra Dynasty, 3 groups of spiritual keepers wanting control over Auroville, trustees with crores of stolen money, bureaucrats and autocrats, but let this be clearly known that we will stand by the truth and my reports till the end.
Lies are plentiful, but truth is always one and truth shall persevere.
Team: The Auroville Files
W: www.aurovillefiles.org
E: theaurovillefiles@gmail.com

Another day same story of illegal parties in Auroville! Many think our obsession with illegal parties is unwarranted, but it is not. Around 70% of Auroville are addicted to drugs and parties thinking that it is their birthright to do so as they have Autonomy to be above law. The Auroville management well aware of this has used this to ensure that there is free-flowing narcotics in Auroville and there is no law when it comes to governing parties. They also have been alleged to have recruited drug distributors to make money out of them.
Every Indian citizen is aware that for an event of any size licenses are to be sought from authorities, which include Entertainment tax NOC, Live band performance, NOC from FRRO for foreign artists, licenses for workshops, Police NOC, Loudspeaker license, PPL, IPRS, and many others. If Auroville parties are to be given exemption in the name of spiritual consciousness the same should be made available to all citizens in our country as law is equal for all.
We have nothing against parties if governed well but as we have seen in many case studies abuse of drugs & alcohol leads to violence, molestation, and even other crimes which are actively covered up by the Auroville management. Many victims of the same have never gotten any justice as they call themselves to be Autonomous and to be above law of the land.
Why does the Auroville administration support illegal parties and distribution of narcotics?
So that 70% of Auroville are in awe of the ‘freedom’ given by the Auroville administration. In turn, they do not empower the Resident Assembly and support land mafia criminal gangs, illegal properties, and donation fraud of Aurovilians. This is the strategy of “you pat my back and I pat yours”
Moreover, these party organizers also support the Auroville management since cases are handled by the Working Committee and visa, housing, and livelihood are in their hands. In legal terms, they are abetting crimes in Auroville for a green signal to organize illegal parties.
The future of Auroville are these youngsters, new-comers, and volunteers who are being spoiled by the Working Committee hampering the future of Auroville. The party organizers who are Aurovilians and mentors conduct these parties and distribute drugs for survival as living in Auroville is expensive. None of these work for the City of Dawn and are only here for personal pleasure, fun, and drugs. This is the sole reason why Auroville has not progressed leaps and bounds and does not have 50000 citizens. The tourism of Auroville runs on such parties and it is a haven for anti-social criminals. Is there safety? Not at all. The Auroville security has never solved any crimes in Auroville for 35 years, in fact, they actively help in covering up crimes for their Masters i.e Working Committee so that mass crimes in Auroville are never told to the outside world.
Don’t be blinded by the sweet talks of Autonomy and self-governance – The world knows very well what kind of governance and activities run in Auroville.
This is supported by the Government of India and we ask that all parties & consumption of drugs in India be declared legal in the pursuit of spiritual growth as per our Constitution stating “Law is equal for all’. The MHRD has also stated in their RTI that “according to this department no one is above law”
Parties exclusive video : (Behind the scenes) :
This video is self explanatory:
We shall not be pushing personally and writing to authorities as it is a waste of time but it is time that the world is aware of how Auroville runs. We are busy fighting the gazette which has destroyed principles of the Mother, confirmation of Masterplan and regulation of trusts of Auroville.
Subscribe: www.aurovillefiles.org
Email: theaurovillefiles@gmail.com