We at The Auroville files are committed to bringing out the truth as it is for the public, government and Aurovilians to understand with free thinking.
Instead of using sections and law in detail we would like to inform an ignorant reader the following:
a) Governing Board is appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of India, which means they represent the Government of India.
b) Working Committee is appointed by Resident Assembly of Auroville basically the Aurovilians.
But the fact of the matter is that this Working Committee are the alleged ones in our vast complaints which is not yet over as new evidence surface everyday from Aurovilians. Which means the "accused" so as to protest against the government ? The following is the paragraph from the Working Committee Report recently :
"Report of the Enquiry Committee. We have written to the Chairman and members of the Governing Board, via email dt. 25.11.19, that Mr. Vikram Ram, using the RTI procedure, has obtained from the HRD Ministry a full copy of the enquiry report of the Committee constituted by the Governing Board which he subsequently circulated to a number of working groups and individuals in Auroville. We have expressed our objection to the Board that we have to learn about the content of the report through the RTI application of Mr. Vikram Ram, as the Board had previously refused to make this report public to Auroville as we had requested. We have mentioned that the objection is even stronger as the Enquiry Committee has concluded that "there is prima facie case that requires the entire matter to be handed over to an appropriate Central Agency (agencies) in order to unravel the complex web of incidents, ostensibly criminal in nature." We have informed the Board that this a serious matter and we would have appreciated it if the Board would have informed and addressed these issues with the Residents' Assembly. We have requested the Board to publish the report on Auronet, so as to keep the Residents’ Assembly informed. No reply to this email has yet been received."
Reply from The Auroville Files -
a) Working Committee has been alleged to be in a dictatorship power and have to declare their assets first. They seem to be so used to getting away with corruption that they feel invincible now and think our Government can be purchased and bullied.
b) Working Committee does not represent the community as proper elections have never been conducted in Auroville. The 'Active' Resident Assembly is only 80-100 people as against 2317 residents and any reader would know how the Alleged Working Committee is appointed and we not need a PHD in rocket Science for this.
c) The evidence that Shri VikramRam shared to the Governing Board in June 2019 is after circulating it with the Resident Assembly and Working Committee since April 2018 - Were they sleeping so far or keeping the skeletons under the closet ?
d) Our evidence doesn't just come from RTI - We know the answers and then we test their wherewithal to answer properly - as such Auroville foundation office has not yet answered to 5 crucial RTIs- Minutes of the Meeting is also part of it. In our complaints an AO (Accused Officer) in the Auroville Foundation Office has stated that all this is the misdoings of the Working Groups. He has also in personal interactions said that RTIs are usually responded by Working Groups internally. The veracity of this is to be known.
e) The Working Committee certainly knew everything and it was Shri VikramRam who shared it with the Resident Assembly as promised by him in hopes that Resident Assembly will awaken from its perpetual state of dream and slumber. In fact Shri VikramRam asked the Resident Assembly and Working Committee numerous times to ask for it from the Governing Board and they did not act !
f) According to our sources it was Working Committee that requested the Chairman after the Special Meeting in New Delhi not to share the report with Shri VikramRam and the Community. Shri VikramRam was refused to be given the Report by RTI response from the AV Foundation Office directly - and since according to the AO if Working Groups are answering to RTIs - doesn't this all fall in place - According to our sources this was the alleged plot by Working Committee to keep Residents in the dark and Shri VikramRam also while they are buying time for what ? We should ask the kid who does not have PHD degree in Rocket Science...
We do not fear speaking the truth and truth will be truth no matter what cover-ups go on to Destroy the Dream Project of Auroville by seemingly spreading rumors, propaganda and falsehood to Residents and Governments alike to hold power - so money and system of corruption is theirs. We always say piece the puzzle together for True Auroville to blossom...
If they are so clean we feel they should admit their guilt in front of the Resident Assembly coming Monday first and then spin any stories to blind the community...instead of fooling the Resident Assembly with falsehood that Government wishes to takeover Auroville - it wishes to cure Auroville and it can only be cured if the top level echelon of System of Corruption is eradicated first - Will Residents wake up ?
and if they are so clean we feel that they should not fear any kind of investigation by CBI or RAW or NIA.
Email -theaurovillefiles@gmail.com
