Aurovilian threatened by Auroville Land Mafia:
The Secretary of Auroville has also been given a representation on the same a couple of days ago, no action has ensued so far.
Emboldened criminals in Working Committee threaten Aurovilians who exposed Auroville Land Mafia. Here is the latest:
Aurovilian Paul Vincent was threatened by goons, supported by Auroville Management. #Auroville Land Mafia at its finest
Ground for immediate dismissal of Padmanaban from the Land Board:
On 1st September 2021, I published an internal report regarding mismanagement of the Land Board, including by Padmanaban in an internal forum of Auroville.
On 2nd September 2021, I was called by Srimoyi of the Working Committee to face a mob of about 50 people from Bommayapalayam Village angered at me, according to her because I have named their village in a bad light.
Then the same day they removed my internal posting from Auronet, a private forum for members of the Residents Assembly, under pressure:
Note from the Working Committee and the Auroville Council
By Auronet , 02 Sep 2021 / 04:17 pm
The Working Committee and Auroville Council have requested that Paul's last posting titled "Outcome of the Land Board Selection Process - replies" be removed. The report attached makes allegations about non-Aurovilians that can be damaging to their reputations and good names in the village. Paul should not be making unsubstantiated allegations about anyone, Aurovilian or non-Aurovilian, on Auronet but especially not about non-Aurovilians as this creates tension and bad will outside of the Auroville family. Those who were accused and feel that their names have been defamed came to the Working Committee today expecting an explanation and an apology from Paul but he refused to come.
We request all Auroville residents to refrain from making public statements that could be considered slanderous and offensive to others.
Thank you.
Best regards,
The Working Committee and the Auroville Council
I did not name the village at all. I am very concerned regarding how a recent communication within the Auroville internal forum was leaked to the public domains outside Auroville. It is not the first time.
In this particular issue, the leak was obviously made on purpose by Padmanaban to arouse villagers in order to spread fear and terror against me.
The fact is that Padmanaban illegally leaked this report to some villagers with a clear intention: to threaten me with physical attack and to put undue pressure on the Auroville Community to silence me.
There are several issues connected to the report which need to be investigated for years; including a forensic audit for the last 5 years about Land Board deals and expenditures; but nothing doing, no committee of Auroville wants to open the can of worms. And Padmanaban, with all impunity, goes on to ensure that he is re-selected to the Land Board with the help of his political outfit: Auro mumty.
Nevertheless, attempting to create a Law & Order situation to cover up his misdeeds is a criminal offence under section 153 of the Indian Penal Code:
Section 153 in the Indian Penal Code:
153. Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot—if rioting be committed—if not committed.—Whoever malignantly, or wantonly, by doing anything which is illegal, gives provocation to any person intending or knowing it to be likely that such provocation will cause the offence of rioting to be committed, shall, if the offence of rioting be committed in consequence of such provocation, be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both; and if the offence of rioting be not committed, with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both.
The minimum one can expect from the apex bodies of Auroville is his immediate dismissal from the Land Board for this heinous act of using villagers for his political gain.
I therefore request the Working Committee and the Auroville Council to remove Padmanaban from the Land Board with immediate effect, failing which I would be obliged to conclude you all agree and support the use of public criminal intimidations against Aurovilian.
Paul Vincent
Senior member of the Residents Assembly
Member of the Land Protection Group
Date: 6th Septembre 2021

“The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.”- Sri Aurobindo
Post taking charge of the office, the Secretary of Auroville Foundation, Smt Jayanti S. Raviji has been working tirelessly taking over duties of the Woking groups. The resistance from criminally minded Aurovilians still hasn’t stopped, and the lobby is slowly making the Secretary dilly dally as other Secretaries have in the past. She has tried to invoke the Dream of the Mother and consciousness in many Aurovilians, but alas such ethical conduct and law cannot be taught, it needs to be enforced.
We would like to reiterate the statement of the Director of UNESCO Delhi “that it supports Auroville for the principles for which it was founded and law is the purview of the Govt of India” But in Auroville, both law and principles are amiss and has been clandestinely encouraged by the Auroville Foundation for decades. By keeping the Masterplan at a moot point and Economic corridor alive, many are to benefit, who cares about the Mother’s Dream?
The public has been donating out of goodwill for the completion of the Masterplan for decades and little did they know that the donations had nothing to do with Auroville or the Masterplan.
The Secretary has been trying to keep both lobbies in Auroville in good books so that it can be shown in a court of law that all is fine and we will handle our problems internally. These problems are not just land encroachments, embezzlement of funds, Benami properties and wilfully keeping the Masterplan at a moot point, but also conducting human rights violations on anyone who questions their motives. The same group who have tentacles in the Working Groups like Auroville Council & ICC have been snatching houses, bad-mouthing honest people, removing their children from schools combined with the threat of attack, psychologically by Aurovilians and physically by land mafia criminal Gangs who survive by keeping the Masterplan at a moot point. This is why no one has come out in the past. Now they have, only to be crushed and punished for speaking up, with a numb silent GOI that is hiding behind garb of integral yoga and spiritual consciousness. With highest regards to our Spiritual Masters, what Auroville is currently, is a gang of criminals headed by 30-40 individuals, who get utmost protection and support of lobbies of biggest political parties both in State & Central Government.
Truth shall never die, nor has it spoken its last word.
The following letter was sent by the Editor of Auroville Files, a year ago to concerned offices:
Subject: Immediate action necessary - Auroville
Respected Sir & Madam,
I hereby bring to your kind attention the following details and updates of happenings in Auroville which your good offices may not be aware of given the emergency in the nation. Please do go through the following at your convenience and kindly do not ignore it as it is of national importance:
a) It has been brought to my notice that the Enquiry Committee report has been tampered with and a slander report of mine has been given to your good office to deviate attention from the crux of the matter. The Chairman is also alleged to have a major part in this. As usual, I have not been made aware of this and good-willed Aurovilians gave me the report. This report was made by vendetta, coercion, is baseless, unfounded, half-baked, and contorted and it shows their knowledge and adolescence. If the good offices of the Ministry wish to take them seriously to cover their deep-rooted nexus, and take cognizance, then an unbiased investigation must ensue and my evidence also to be taken on record including prosecution for the false statements. Also, I am made aware that there are some false rumors of my actions to be personal and vengeful. It is complete hogwash and I would like to address these allegations to the Ministry if they deem necessary. Notwithstanding herewith, all the goodwill & work that I have done over the past 4 years to establish truth and transparency in the functioning of Auroville for proper governance should also be placed on record. I have also brought about many good changes for better governance that cannot be negated.
b) I also submitted my evidence in the Enquiry Committee report in such a manner that it was divided into internal and external investigations very well knowing how Auroville Working Groups operate and cover-up. The evidence submitted in the Enquiry Committee Report was just a fraction of my investigation to show the Ministry how cover-ups are engineered for over 35 years. In pursuant to the above, I give you the following articles to be considered before any decision:
Stealing & Justifying Government Grants: Humanscape scam
Economic Offences: SAIIER & AVES
Why & How to protect drugs and parties?
How Aurovilians destroy the dream?
Land Board Operations Exposed:
How foreigners treat locals?
Foreigners & Public Trusts Act:
Coverup, Trusts & OCI:
Many such articles are in
a) Dissolve all trusts of Auroville and bring them under one Auroville Foundation trust for ease of accounting and administration controlled directly by the Central Government. The Mother also envisioned a Central Operation for Auroville and she could foresee what evil can come without it. She also respected India as the soul of Auroville and that India would be its caretaker. This also addresses the issue of racism, power, greed, politics, and equality once and for all. The Republic of India should take over direct spiritual and administrative control of Auroville and the Governing Board and the Chairman should be selected accordingly.
b) All land and finance matters are to be followed by the Government of India and no FAMC, GOI Grant group, TDC & Land Board should have any involvement in it. Civil Services Act to be enforced on all Aurovilians. Tamilnadu Public Trusts Act, OCI Amendments and all laws of the state and nation should be enforced on Auroville and the Ministry of Education have said in an RTI that “No one is above law”. The Auroville Foundation Rules should be amended accordingly.
c) CBI & ED investigation is necessary to bring all ill-gained wealth back to Auroville. Small crimes can be forgiven as per The Mother’s ideals but embezzling donations, government grants, buying illegal properties on OCI, passing an illegal gazette, destroying the Dream wilfully, crimes of grievous nature, and involvement with criminal gang activities must face the law.
All my duties have been to reset Auroville following its Charter and I have been subjected to tremendous pressure for exercising my fundamental duty under COI 51-A.
Rest for your good offices to decipher,
Warm Regards,
Editor & Publisher:
56th Minutes of meeting- Governing Board
Changes requested by Working Committee ( Alleged Criminals )
The following is the email sent by a reputed retired IAS officer on the allegations, which are not singular, but multi dimensional:
Respected Members of Governing Board,
This is in continuation of my earlier emails. The following are my observations based on my three visits to Auroville including the recent one that took place from 3rd to 5th of this month . I am sharing this with sole purpose of seeking guidance from all the distinguished members of Governing Board to chalk out a clear and focused plan of action to go about on specifically what is ideal for Auroville that can fulfill the dream of Mother and facilitate the flowering of vision of Sri Aurobindo. I am sending this only to the members of Board so that we can discuss these issues threadbare before bringing to the notice of Dr.Karan Singhji. Please feel free to correct me or modify so that all of us can work together earnestly.
2. I met cross section of Aurovillians including Pashi Kapoor, Toine, Chadreshbhai, Aryadeep, Tulasiji, Selvaraj, Ribhu, Jayendra, Sumeet, Divya Kapoor, Lata Iyer, Paul Vincent, Mary Premila, Puru, Sowmya, Vivek, Celestine,Siv and many others. I also interacted with three Members of Working Committee Sauro,Ranjit, Partha. I had detailed discussions with Dr.Nirimaji on many important points. Added to this I discussed with Srinivasamurthy and Basu from office of Foundation. For the past few weeks I studied the provisions of Foundation Act, Rules, Regulations and also proceedings of few meetings of Governing Board. Now I have copies of Annual Reports, Master Plan, other important documents. I also met Vikram Ramakrishnan to understand the dimensions of his complaint. There are multiple complex issues that need our attention simultaneously with utmost seriousness.
3. First and foremost is the issues of good and effective governance within the framework of Auroville Foundation Act, Rules and Regulations. It is clear to me that Governing Board has not made adequate efforts to ensure that the purpose for which the Auroville Foundation was fulfilled in order to achieve the long-term spiritual objective. I am not finding fault with anyone for this but I feel it is necessary for Board to be pro-active and provide a determined leadership to initiate corrective measures in right earnest. As per provisions of Act especially Section 11(3 and 4), Section 16, Section 17, Section 32 read with relevant Rules and Regulations, there is ample scope and space for the Board in acting firmly with responsibility and sensitivity. As Governing Board has not asserted it’s legitimate role due to various reasons ( I can narrate in detail), the Working Committee usurped the role of Board and instead of assisting, the Committee is dictating terms to Board, a clear reversal of roles. I also learnt that few persons continue to be in Working Committee always and there is no transparent processes in how these persons are selected or elected by the Residents Assembly and whether majority of Residents participate in such processes. I have gone through the so called mandate that is quoted by Working Committee ( got it from mail of Smt.Premaji), but the legal provisions under the Act does not provide any support to such unauthorised actions. However, the under Sections 24, 25 and 26 of the Auroville Foundation Act and Rules, the Governing Board continues to have responsibility to the Central Government and even Rules and Regulations have to be placed before Parliament. Therefore ultimate responsibility is with the Board, and we are answerable for everything as per Law to the Central Government and Parliament.
4. The Residence Assembly is an amorphous body dominated by a group of 25 to 30 persons ( this information is provided and corroborated by senior aurovillians) who keep circulating themselves in every trust or group. I got the list of 37 trusts from office of the Foundation, created by Assembly and I was there are another 55+ groups that keep changing nomenclature. Section 19 of the Act provide certain duties and functions to Residents Assembly “ as are required by this Act”. Under Section 19(2)(d) Resident Assembly has to “ recommend proposals for raising funds for Auroville for the approval of the Governing Board “. When I enquired from the office of the Foundation whether the trusts and groups created by Assembly are in conformity with or as required by the Foundation Act, there is no answer at all. Further when I enquired whether the Residents Assembly is recommending proposals for raising funds for the approval of Governing Board, I was told that proposals for fund raising were never sent to Board for approval or otherwise. After discussions with aurovillians whom I met and reading some of the decisions of Residents Assembly, trusts, groups, I am of the opinion that this free for everything approach is neither transparent nor accountable to any legal authorities including Central Government and Parliament. As commented by few residents of Auroville that there is something called Townhall Syndrome that decide, control and dominate every aspect with impunity without any checks and balances with no accountability whatsoever. I feel the Board can intervene in this and infuse ideas to improve participatory processes as well as mechanisms through systematic consultative meetings at every level so that the Residents Assembly will be rekindled with dedication and commitment to expedite the development of Auroville in accordance with original charter and fulfil the Dream of Mother and flowering of spiritual Vision of Sri Aurobindo.
5. I have gone through the Annual Reports from 2013-14 to 2017-18 with specific reference to observations of C&AG and discussions that took place in meetings of Governing Board. I am surprised to see that despite clear instructions from Board, there is no serious follow up action and the C&AG continues to comment on fundamental points for better asset and financial management such as centralised accounting system, internal audit, inventory mechanism, accountability of trusts and groups seem to be totally ignored. C&AG categorically mentions diversion of funds, non furnishing of accounts by some units, non reconciliation of debtors and creditors, inadequacy of internal mechanisms, to quote a few, and such serious observations are now answered jeopardising the credibility of Auroville Foundation. I am sure the Board can intervene immediately and rectify the financial mis-management as many modern tools are available or if required seek the help of experienced Accounting/ Financial Management Firms after due diligence. I am sure this is an important task which cannot be and should not be delayed by the Board.
6. I interacted with Paul Vincent and other well meaning individuals who raised serious concerns about protecting immovable properties of Auroville particularly lands. There are also serious allegations including on some of the members of Working Committee that they are party to the shady land deals and also in hand in glow with land mafia. The complaint of Vikram Ramakrishnan for which an Enquiry Committee is set up( though to be ratified by the Board) refers to some cases the veracity of which need to investigated. The existing Land Board, though incharge of land matters is ineffective in preventing the encroachments, unlawful constructions, as well as incapable of acquiring lands through purchase or otherwise. All of us are aware how the land deals can be murky and how it require to be handled by efficient and experienced person familiar with Revenue Act, Land related legislations, Rules and Regulations. Therefore I suggest that Board can hire the services of a retired Revenue Officer or serving Officer as Special Land Acquisition Officer ( SLAO) from Tamilnadu Govt and create a special cell that can function directly under Secretary of the Foundation, that will help acquiring lands or facilitate purchase through consensus mechanisms prevailing in the Government. In view of the proposed enquiry by the Enquiry Committee, the Land Board should not reconstituted at present. The terms of reference if defined for all land related Boards, Committees should be revisited and a clear instructions should be issued by Board to focus more into protecting existing lands, optimal and productive ( eco friendly) utilisation of lands, maintaining inventory of all the infrastructure created so far, and scientific management of all assets. Residents Assembly should be given major responsibility for this task. In addition Board should evolve mechanisms to review functioning of all Committees, Agencies, Boards constituted by the Board from at least once in every quarter. Any person who is directly or indirectly involved in any shady land deals should not be made as members of any Board or Committee connected with land matters. I was told that many foreigners have purchased lands in their names or benami and this need to be investigated. If such allegations are found to be true all such properties should confiscated and anyone involved in such illegal accumulation of wealth, howsoever well connected they are, should be deported from India.
7. I was told that Governing Board through the Standing Order dated 01.05.2011 established a Town Development Council ( TDC) to plan, develop and build the Auroville Township as per the Master Plan published through a Gazette notification of Government of India dated 16.08.2010( though said Master Plan was approved by the Board in 2001 but formally notified in 2010). Board also approved the establishment of Town Development Council Advisory Group dated 07.09.2011. It appears the nomination of one of the members to the TDC is pending and this need to be done immediately. The first step is the Secretary of the Foundation should convene a meeting of all the new members of TDC ( after nominating the member ), before issuing the office order, to ensure that they have understood their roles and responsibilities and that they have specific work plans for time bound delivery of detailed development plans. I also learnt there was a decision in the meetings of Governing Board regarding the declaration of Auroville as New Town Development Authority by the Tamilnadu Government and if it is so, there should not be any further delay as the experience in some of the Town Development Authorities is quite encouraging as it facilitate proper development with adequate regulatory powers. However as and when such Authority is formed for Auroville, the implementation of existing Master Plan should be non-negotiable and at least one-third of the members should be nominated by the Governing Board including one member from the Board. This new arrangement will end all confusion once for all and will carry forward the building of Auroville City as per Master Plan fulfilling the dream of Mother.
8. Safety and security of all the Residents is a must and for this a specific security plan should be developed in consultation with Residents Assembly. During my recent interactions I was told there are several violent incidents in the township in the past and also menace of drugs and narcotic substances is on the rise. I also learnt that many undesirable elements move freely within the premises of Auroville. There seems to an unwritten law that no complaints should be given to Police or local authorities. There are no cctv cameras installed, the connectivity of mobile phones is very poor, there are no adequate street lights in vulnerable areas. Though the principle is laudable, the internal grievance redressal mechanisms are not working satisfactorily. Therefore non workable practices cannot be and should not be imposed on all and law of the land should be allowed to take whatever preventive and punitive actions permitted by Indian laws and regulations. This is more relevant also in the context of some foreigners staying unauthorisedly and also some reported incidents of drug peddling in the the township. There are also incidents of violations of visa conditions by some of the residents and there should be no interference in the discharge of legitimate duties by the immigration authorities.
9. I have gone through the Report prepared by Smt. Premaji and Dr. Nirimaji on the grievances and concerns expressed by local Tamil population including some of the residents of Auroville. This Report should be placed before next meeting of Governing Board to discuss in detail and also to come out with practical solutions. Even during my recent visit, few local Tamil residents met me and expressed their concerns especially discrimination and step-motherly treatment allegedly meted out to them. They also hinted of anger and frustration building up silently that may create serious law and order problems in Auroville. As two of our distinguished members of our Board dealt with this, I suggest that a committee be constituted exclusively for addressing the grievances and concerns, drawing members from local community, influential persons from Pondy or nearby places, and positive opinion makers, so that there will be workable preventive mechanisms be in place to prevent any possible untoward incidents.
To conclude I appreciate your patience in reading this long mail and request your suggestions in this regard. We can discuss these issues in addition to any issues proposed by our distinguished members through conference call as early as possible.
Madan Gopal Madabhushi
From: Paul Vincent Baptiste Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2021, 11:47 Subject: Mismanagements of Auroville Assets - Land Mafia
Shocking mismanagements of the Land Board After reading the attached comprehensive report, you will have some idea of what is called the land mafia of Auroville. The documents given inhere are available with the Working Committee, with the Auroville Foundation, with the FAMC, with the Land Board or with a few individuals of Auroville. They are part of what called institutional memory: 1. Benami transactions by a member of the Land Board; 2. Letters from staff of the Land Board disclosing wrongs; 3. Letters from formers staff of Auroville land body; 4. Letter from expelled member of the Land Board; 5. Land purchased by executive of Land Board in Master Plan; 6. Major failures of the Land Board; 7. Incapacities of the Land Board to prevent new developments in the Master Plan; 8. Inclusion of tainted members in the selection committee; 9. Wrong selection process manipulated by political intervention; 10. Unapproved process of selection. All the above mentioned letters, emails and documents are part and parcel of the institutional memories of the Auroville Foundation, of the FAMC, of the Working Committee and many others in Auroville who have so far kept the above under shadow, away from public knowledge and scrutiny. None of these bodies can now claim ignorance. Hence approval and/or recommendations for appointment of anyone involved in the above scams are therefore considered as accomplice. The Land Board has not been able to prevent any new development in the Master Plan or in the city area since they are in office. As I publish this document, there are now, today, two new developments going on in the Master Plan, one is very close to Certitude on the tar road… Paul Vincent Senior member of the Auroville Residents Assembly Member of the Land Protection Group Date: 1st September 2021

While just a small hand written letter without any evidence can be a FIR with lobbies, volumes of documents which are not just prima fact, but also enough for a chargesheet are not taken action upon.
Further to this, the threatened outspoken Aurovilians somehow mustered the courage to come out in the open and the expose' above is the latest. Singular experience? Or a well orchestrated land and economic nexus under the garb of spiritual consciousness? That is for the reader to decipher!
Within 2 weeks, if no criminal action is taken on these individuals by the Secretary, we will be reluctantly constrained to ensure that action is taken directly, leaving no room for lobbies to poke their noses into the investigation.
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